In The Community

Community Work

We believe in helping the community and in helping our fellow CPA peers to succeed and do great things for the Fraser Valley.  Such as, all our senior staff members are involved in a number of charity, volunteer or peer programs.  Here are a few examples of our involvement. 

Abbotsford 604-853-2030

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We are big on programs that foster professional development and that bring CPA peers together in our community.  As such, we support and participate in a number of associations, giving freely of our time to group members. 

  • Fraser Valley CPA Association members (founded by Les Squire)
  • The Rotarian 
  • ​Fraser Valley CPA Association members
  • Fraser Valley CPA Chapter members
  • 6-Pack Small Practitioners Monthly Lunch Group (co-founded by Les Squire)

CPA Groups & Peer Programs

Through individual charitable interests, community groups and the CPA organization we are a part of, our senior managers have been involved in a number of community events & associations

  • Mission Community Foundation treasurers
  • Blankets BC treasurer
  • Mission Chamber of Commerce members
  • ​Mission Downtown Business Association members
  • Mill Lake Clean up event (through the Fraser Valley CPA Chapter)
  • Abbotsford Food Bank volunteer day
  • Langley Christmas Bureau High Tea Fundraiser
  • Abbotsford Rotary Club treasurer